The Meaning of the Planets

Context of the Meaning of the Planets

The mysterious consistency with which the hermetic doctrine ‘As Above So Below,’ echoes in the results one finds when studying astrology is truly the magnetic force of this discipline. This then, is the context in which to regard the meaning of the planets in astrology as they are both ‘symbolic’ and ‘multidimensional.’

For example, in Humanistic Astrology the planets represent the native’s inner psyche whereas in Mundane Astrology the planets represent the different classes of the community in the country. In Horary Astrology the Moon can represent lost objects whereas in Midpoint Astrology (a.k.a Uranian Astrology) the Moon represents the soul.

Common Threads to the Meanings of the Planets

The planets withinHowever there are some very strong common threads and meanings that run through most types of Astrology (even Vedic) such as the Moon is representative of the emotions and the Sun is representative of the vitality.Besides being  ‘symbolic’ and ‘multidimensional’ the meaning of the planets in astrology are as the active conductors for the energy of the zodiac.  As Stephen Forrest says “Some mediator must stand halfway between heaven and earth, translating celestial language into human terms…It is the planets that carry the zodiacal energies down to us, implanting them in our cells and tissues, shaping our lives.”

Context of the Meaning of the Planets

The mysterious consistency with which the hermetic doctrine ‘As Above So Below,’ echoes in the results one finds when studying astrology is truly the magnetic force of this discipline. This then, is the context in which to regard the meaning of the planets in astrology as they are both ‘symbolic’ and ‘multidimensional.’The solar system

For example, in Humanistic Astrology the planets represent the native’s inner psyche whereas in Mundane Astrology the planets represent the different classes of the community in the country. In Horary Astrology the Moon can represent lost objects whereas in Midpoint Astrology (a.k.a Uranian Astrology) the Moon represents the soul.


Common Threads to the Meanings of the Planets

However there are some very strong common threads and meanings that run through most types of Astrology (even Vedic) such as the Moon is representative of the emotions and the Sun is representative of the vitality.

The planets withinBesides being  ‘symbolic’ and ‘multidimensional’ the meaning of the planets in astrology are as the active conductors for the energy of the zodiac.  As Stephen Forrest says “Some mediator must stand halfway between heaven and earth, translating celestial language into human terms…It is the planets that carry the zodiacal energies down to us, implanting them in our cells and tissues, shaping our lives.”

Click on the Planet below to find out more about their meaning in Astrology

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Corinna is the owner of Celestial Chimes Astrology in Seattle WA. She holds a Professional Diploma in Astrology from Kepler College (Shoreline WA) as well as a B.Sc. & a B.Ed. from the University of Victoria, Canada.

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