The Imum Coeli

The Imum Coeli- our roots

What is the Imum Coeli?

The Imum Coeli (IC) also referred to as the Nadir, is the degree exactly opposite of the Midheaven or Medium Coeli. In many house systems such as Placidus and Koch the IC literally forms the cusp of the 4th house. In house systems where it does not form the cusp of the 4th house (such as the whole sign house system shown above) it is labelled separately in the chart. Imum Coeli is the Latin term for “bottom of the sky”. Being opposite the most noticeable point in the chart (the Midheaven) the Imum Coeli represents the most personal and guarded point in the chart.  

Our Inner Sanctum.

Imum Coeli - our inner sanctum

Picture the IC as the yin to the yang of the MC (or the Midheaven). While the MC represents your public image and career aspirations, the IC delves into your private sanctum. Here is where you store your innermost feelings, tales of ancient lineage, family bonds, and sense of self.  So, when planets align with your IC, they unlock memories, triggers and life lessons. Uranus, Neptune or Pluto may nudge you to revisit the past, heal childhood wounds and emerge liberated.

A Real Estate Agent for your Life's Journey


The zodiac sign on your IC is indicative of your approach to personal matters. A Libra IC may crave serenity at home while a Leo IC creates comfort by transforming their abode into a lively entertainment hub. If Neptune is close to the IC, a parent’s health struggles may have shaped your resilience. Mercury residing near the IC  may be responsible for a childhood that fed a chatty, ever-curious nature.  Embracing the essence of the zodiac sign on your IC is like having your own cosmic real estate agent which  may lead you to the perfect plot in life for you where you are free to grow deep and true.

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Corinna is the owner of Celestial Chimes Astrology in Seattle WA. She holds a Professional Diploma in Astrology from Kepler College (Shoreline WA) as well as a B.Sc. & a B.Ed. from the University of Victoria, Canada.

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