The Ascendant in the Natal Chart of Marie Curie

Marie Curie (The Ascendant)
Portrait of Marie Curie (Photographer Uknown)

The Ascendant

The Ascendant

The Ascendant or rising sign points to the primary motivation that drives the soul. It is also often thought of as the mask that we wear when we interact with others or the front door to our personality. 

The Ascendant of Marie Curie is at 12 degrees Capricorn 01 minutes.  An Ascendant in the earth element shows motivation rooted in the desire for physical and material security.  The energy of Capricorn drives a person towards achievement, personal integrity and self- discipline.  Therefore, the demeanor of someone with a Capricorn Ascendant would generally be serious and extremely competent. With Venus conjunct the ruler of the Ascendant in her chart we could imagine that within that serious Capricorn exterior one might have sensed a flicker of authentic goodness  as well.

If the Ascendant is conjunct or trine another planet or point in the chart it will add to the description of  the motivation which drives the soul. 

Marie Sklowdowska-Curie’s Grand Trine in the earth elements = the gift of  skills, perseverance and results.

Tireless and meticulous research ( North Node in Virgo in the Ninth House) merging with trine powerful, steadfast, determination, creativity & drive (Part of Fortune conjunct Pluto in Taurus in the 5th House) combined with trine a highly competent, capable and serious exterior (Capricorn Ascendant) 


Marie Sklowdowska-Curie’s Grand Trine in the earth elements = the gift of  skills, perseverance and results.

Tireless and meticulous research ( North Node in Virgo in the Ninth House) merging with trine powerful, steadfast, determination, creativity & drive (Part of Fortune conjunct Pluto in Taurus in the 5th House) combined with trine a highly competent, capable and serious exterior (Capricorn Ascendant) 


If the Ascendant is square or opposes another planet or point in the chart it will describe a situation/situations that are at odds with the primary motivation that drives the soul.

Marie Curie’s Ascendant is in opposition to Uranus in Cancer in the 7th house and square to Neptune in the 4th house forming what is called a ‘T-Square‘.

Marie Curie’s Ascendant is in opposition to Uranus in Cancer in the 7th house and square to Neptune in the 4th house forming what is called a ‘T-Square‘.

Marie Sklowdowska-Curie’s serious, competent and controlled Capricorn Ascendant ‘aura’ was at odds with the raw, brazen ,unfiltered, brave energy of  Neptune in Aries that she carried with her from her roots (4th house) . Neptune causes us to become idealistic and at times to lose our boundaries. Although typically  in a dreamy sense, with Neptune in Aries in the 4th  we can imagine Marie Curie learning of the patriotic uprisings her family was so loyally a part of and that patriotic fire burning deep within her soul too.  Neither of these points would have meshed seemlessly  with the ingeniously supportive and caring energy brought about by Marie Curie’s Uranus in Cancer in the 7th house. At one point we can see this angle in action in Marie Sklodowska’s life when Pierre Curie initially proposed marriage to her (Uranus in Cancer in the 7th)Marie Sklodowska’s serious, and capable nature (Capricorn Ascendant) was so focused on returning to her homeland to teach there(Neptune in Aries in the 4th) that she did not initially accept the proposal. She did not accept Pierre Curie’s proposal for marriage until she knew she could not return to Poland to teach in her chosen field because she was a woman.  In Uranian or Midpoint astrology a square or opposition is sometimes regarded as positive in that the tension it brings will force some kind of action. However in general, tense aspects like oppositions and squares represent obstacles and conflicts that we must overcome. Therefore even if these aspects force a positive outcome they are not generally looked upon as ‘enjoyable’ configurations (unless the benefic planets are involved).  However, it can be the discomfort from those tense aspects that push us to overcome and achieve great things as well.

Marie Sklowdowska-Curie’s serious, competent and controlled Capricorn Ascendant ‘aura’ was at odds with the raw, brazen ,unfiltered, brave energy of  Neptune in Aries that she carried with her from her roots (4th house) . Neptune causes us to become idealistic and at times to lose our boundaries. Although typically  in a dreamy sense, with Neptune in Aries in the 4th  we can imagine Marie Curie learning of the patriotic uprisings her family was so loyally a part of and that patriotic fire burning deep within her soul too.  Neither of these points would have meshed seemlessly  with the ingeniously supportive and caring energy brought about by Marie Curie’s Uranus in Cancer in the 7th house. At one point we can see this angle in action in Marie Sklodowska’s life when Pierre Curie initially proposed marriage to her (Uranus in Cancer in the 7th)Marie Sklodowska’s serious, and capable nature (Capricorn Ascendant) was so focused on returning to her homeland to teach there (Neptune in Aries in the 4th) that she did not initially accept the proposal. She did not accept Pierre Curie’s proposal for marriage until she knew she could not return to Poland to teach in her chosen field because she was a woman.  In Uranian or Midpoint astrology a square or opposition is sometimes regarded as positive in that the tension it brings will force some kind of action. However in general, tense aspects like oppositions and squares represent obstacles and conflicts that we must overcome. Therefore even if these aspects force a positive outcome they are not generally looked upon as ‘enjoyable’ configurations (unless the benefic planets are involved).  However, it can be the discomfort from those tense aspects that push us to overcome and achieve great things as well.

The ruler of the Ascendant guides the life to it’s destination. Saturn in Scorpio in the 11th house rules Marie Curie’s Ascendant in Capricorn.

Saturn will try to bring about personal achievement, self-discipline, physical and material security of the highest order  (Ascendant in Capricorn) from it’s position in Marie Curie’s chart in Scorpio in the 11th house sun stellium. This personal achievement, self- discipline and physical and material security are easily seen by her action in the 11th house.

If the planetary ruler of the Ascendant (SATURN) is conjunct or trine another planet, asteroid, fixed star or other personal point it will add to it’s meaning/effect as ‘guide’. 

Marie Curie’s Sun is in a conjunction (called a  ‘STELLIUM ) with the Midheaven (MC), Saturn (WHICH IS THE RULER OF THE ASCENDANT), Venus and Mars all in the sign of Scorpio. This causes a large emphasis of the life to be focused on this house (the 11th house)in this sign (Scorpio).

Click here to see an analysis of this aspect


Marie Curie’s Sun stellium (which includes SATURN-RULER OF THE ASCENDANT) in the 11th house in  Scorpio is in a grand TRINE with Uranus in Cancer in the 7th house and the Moon in Pisces conjunct the South Node in the 3rd house. 

Click here to see an analysis of this grand trine


If the planetary ruler of the Ascendant is square or in opposition to another planet, asteroid, fixed star or other personal point it will produce a state of tension as that planet or points agenda is at cross purposes with the ruler of the ascendant’s role as ‘guide’.

Click here to see an analysis of Sun Stellium (including Saturn in Scorpio) square Jupiter. 


Marie Curie’s Sun stellium (INCLUDING SATURN WHICH IS THE RULER OF THE ASCENDANT) in the 11th house in  Scorpio is OPPOSITE Pluto conjunct her part of fortune in the fifth house in the sign of Taurus.

Click here to see the analysis of this opposition. 

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Corinna is the owner of Celestial Chimes Astrology in Seattle WA. She holds a Professional Diploma in Astrology from Kepler College (Shoreline WA) as well as a B.Sc. & a B.Ed. from the University of Victoria, Canada.

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