Zodiacal Sign of PISCES
The Realization that WE Only Experience Our Mind OBSERVING the World.
The Mystic/The Dreamer/The Poet/The Face Dancer
Piscean Traits
Mind, Imagination, Empathy, Gentleness.
Shadow Side: The attempt to escape the objective world through the subjective through a search for numbness.
Keywords for Planetary placement in Pisces
Traditional Planetary Ruler: Jupiter
Modern Planetary Ruler: Neptune
The Realization that WE only Experience Our Mind Observing the World.
The Mystic/The Dreamer/The Poet/The Face Dancer
Piscean Traits
Mind, Imagination, Empathy, Gentleness.
Shadow Side: The attempt to escape the objective world through the subjective through a search for numbness.
Keywords for Planetary placement in Pisces
Traditional Planetary Ruler: Jupiter
Modern Planetary Ruler: Neptune
The Realization that WE only Experience Our Mind Observing the World.
The Mystic/The Dreamer/The Poet/The Face Dancer
Piscean Traits
Mind, Imagination, Empathy, Gentleness.
Shadow Side: The attempt to escape the objective world through the subjective through a search for numbness.
Traditional Planetary Ruler: Jupiter
Modern Planetary Ruler: Neptune
Keywords for Planetary placement in Pisces
Sun: Empathy, Artistic Sensitivity, Spiritual Depth / Escapist Tendencies, Lack of Boundaries, Idealism
Moon: Intuitive Compassion, Dreamy Imagination, Healing Presence /Moodiness, Over-Sensitive, Escapist Fantasies
Mercury: Intuitive Communication, Poetic Expression, Empathetic Listening/Vagueness, Gullibility, Urealistic Idealism
Venus: Gentle, Soulful, Creative /Confused Idealism, Vulnerable, Unrealistic Expectations
Mars: Artistic Action, Compassionate Courage, Spiritual Warrior/ Escapist Tendencies, Lack of Boundaries, Indecisiveness
Jupiter: Spiritual Expansion, Empathetic Wisdom, Creative Faith /Gullibility, Idealistic Disappointment, Escapist Overindulgence
Saturn: Structured Compassion, Practical Idealism, Healing Boundaries /Self-Pity, Escapist Avoidance/ Spiritual Doubt
Uranus:Visionary Intuition, Compassionate Rebellion, Spiritual Revolution/ Escapist Chaos, Idealistic Disruption, Emotional Overload
Neptune: Mystical Connection, Empathetic Artistry, Healing Compassion /Illusory Delusion, Emotional Vulnerability, Sacrificial Martyrdom
Pluto: Introspective, Meditative, Spiritual Metamorphosis Protective/Avoidant, Disillusioned, Impressionable