Zodiac Signs
What are Zodiac Signs?
Zodiac signs are a celestial coordinate system that takes the ecliptic as the origin of latitude and the position of the sun at the vernal equinox as the origin of longitude. The zodiac actually refers to the circle of celestial longitude divided into twelve equal 30° sections each representing a different sign.
Tropical vs. Sidereal Zodiac
In fact there are two zodiacs that are commonly referred to. At one time these were the same, however because of a slight wobble in the earth’s rotation over time they have become different. To clarify:
- The Tropical Zodiac is the position of the sun referenced against the earth’s horizon (at a particular locale) which gives you the seasons as a measure of the flow of time. The framework for the seasons are therefore the two solstices and the two equinoxes. Western Astrologers most often use the Tropical Zodiac and in like manner it is used on this site.
- The Sidereal Zodiac is the position of the sun referenced against the star background, as a measure of the flow of time. The framework for the star background is the constellations the sun passes in front of. This is the one astronomers and Vedic (or Indian) Astrologers use.
What are Zodiac Signs?
Zodiac signs are a celestial coordinate system that takes the ecliptic as the origin of latitude and the position of the sun at the vernal equinox as the origin of longitude. The zodiac actually refers to the circle of celestial longitude divided into twelve equal 30° sections each representing a different sign.
Tropical vs. Sidereal Zodiac
In fact there are two zodiacs that are commonly referred to. At one time these were the same, however because of a slight wobble in the earth’s rotation over time they have become different. To clarify:
- The Tropical Zodiac is the position of the sun referenced against the earth’s horizon (at a particular locale) which gives you the seasons as a measure of the flow of time. The framework for the seasons are therefore the two solstices and the two equinoxes. Western Astrologers most often use the Tropical Zodiac and in like manner it is used on this site.
- The Sidereal Zodiac is the position of the sun referenced against the star background, as a measure of the flow of time. The framework for the star background is the constellations the sun passes in front of. This is the one astronomers and Vedic (or Indian) Astrologers use.
How Zodiac Signs Work
These twelve signs starting from Aries and ending with Pisces correspond to different periods of the year. Each sign is ruled by a planet, possess’ unique characteristics, traits, elemental qualities and modes of being that add dimension, description and predictability to planets within it’s boundaries. Zodiac signs are part of a complex and ancient system of intepretation that astrologers use to understand the unfolding of events on earth through a kind of symbolic universal mathematical synchronicity.
These twelve signs starting from Aries and ending with Pisces correspond to different periods of the year. Each sign is ruled by a planet, possess’ unique characteristics, traits, elemental qualities and modes of being that add dimension, description and predictability to planets within it’s boundaries. Zodiac signs are part of a complex and ancient system of intepretation that astrologers use to understand the unfolding of events on earth through a kind of symbolic universal mathematical synchronicity.