The Sphinx

The Great Sphinx
A sphinx is a mythical creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion. The Great Sphinx of Giza is a 240 ft long 66ft high sculpture that was cut from the surrounding limestone bedrock. Conventional Egyptology dates the Sphinx between 2558 and 2532 BC.

Lying amongst the pyramids
The Great Sphinx of Giza is located on the Giza plateau on the west bank of the Nile River in Giza Egypt. It is situated in the Giza Necropolis along with the Great pyramid of Giza, the pyramid of Khafre and the pyramid of Menkaure.

Controversy over the date of the Sphinx
There is an extremely important controversy over the chronological dating of the Sphinx that indicates that it may indeed be much much older than originally thought...

Wind or Water weathering?
The controversy regarding the origin date of the sphinx is based primarily on the type of weathering process that is evident on the body of the Sphinx. Even though the body of the Sphinx has been covered in sand for at least half of it's known life it is greatly weathered.
What type of weathering process is evident on the body of the Sphinx?
Several experts in the field have definitively identified the weathering as 'water weathering'.
Why is the type of weathering erosion (water erosion or sand/wind erosion)Â that is present on the body of the SPHINX so controversial??
"... if the Sphinx was weathered by water and the stones from the temples came from the Sphinx enclosure- they had to be cut & quarried out and placed where they are. It would mean that not only was the MOST SPECTACULAR SCULPTURE on Earth carved at a time where there is not supposed to be any civilization at all BUT they were also in possession of a technology that we can't reproduce today. So this upsets everything. The 'CHURCH OF PROGRESS' is destroyed at its foundations by this simple single act." - JOHN ANTHONY WEST
As this century progresses, there is a growing awareness that ancient cultures had a level of knowledge and awareness that we do not have NOR do we really understand.
Schwaller de Lubicz, R.A. Sacred Science : The King of Pharaonic Theocracy. Inner Traditions International ©1961 Rochester, VT.
WEST, John Anthony. Serpent in the Sky : The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt. First Quest Books ©1993 Wheaton, IL.