The Quantum Energy Field and what is going on there?
Everything in the universe (apart from energy) is made from atoms. Scientists postulate that atoms were created after the ‘big bang’ about 13.7 billion years ago. An atom is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.Â
We most often picture an atom to look something like the diagram above. A more realistic depiction of the atom however, is the example below because in reality the electrons actually assume a form that is best described as ‘a cloud of probability’ around the nucleus of the atom.

Interestingly the word atom comes from the Greek word atomos which means indivisible. The electron cloud that surrounds the nucleus of the atom prevents other forms of light energy from infiltrating it. The electron cloud has made it very difficult for scientists to see through it.
Everything in the universe (apart from energy) is made from atoms. Scientists postulate that atoms were created after the ‘big bang’ about 13.7 billion years ago. An atom is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.Â
We most often picture an atom to look something like the diagram above. A more realistic depiction of the atom however, is the example below because in reality the electrons actually assume a form that is best described as ‘a cloud of probability’ around the nucleus of the atom.

Interestingly the word atom comes from the Greek word atomos which means indivisible. The electron cloud that surrounds the nucleus of the atom prevents other forms of light energy from infiltrating it. The electron cloud has made it very difficult for scientists to see through it.

Today particle physicists use particle accelerators to penetrate the mysteries of the atom. The basic goal is to smash the atom to bits and then to investigate the pieces. Particle physicists have learned a great deal about the fundamental particles and physical laws that govern matter, energy, space and time in this way.
When atoms are stripped of their electrons, accelerated close to the speed of light and smashed into streams of oncoming protons the result is for an almost incomprehensible minutia of time the stable particles become unstable. These unstable particles then reform into multiple new particles. The protons do not reform exactly back into their original state however.
The enormous amount of energy that is used to speed the proton streams up to near light speed is also converted into particles at the moment of collision. This additional energy upsets the intricate and stable balance of the atom and by adding more energy to the mix, scientist are actually creating new kinds of particles.Â

All matter is made up of atoms but the primary realization that we can take away from particle colliders is that atoms are fundamentally made up of energy. The nucleus of the atom is essentially a dynamic vibrating balance of high energy forces which when new forces are introduced to it loses equilibrium and seeks a new balance.Â
All matter is made up of atoms but the primary realization that we can take away from particle colliders is that atoms are fundamentally made up of energy. The nucleus of the atom is essentially a dynamic vibrating balance of high energy forces which when new forces are introduced to it loses equilibrium and seeks a new balance.Â
Ninety-nine percent of the human body is made up of atoms of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.  Many of the particles that make up our cells have actually existed for millions of millennia.Â
Ninety-nine percent of the human body is made up of atoms of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. Many of the particles that make up our cells have actually existed for millions of millennia.

Although most cells in the human body regenerate every seven to fifteen years the very heavy elements in us were made in exploding stars. The hydrogen atoms that exist in our bodies now were produced in the big bang and the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms were made in burning stars.Â
According to the department of energy if we removed all the dead space inside of our atoms we would each be able to fit into a particle of lead dust. A sugar cube would be able to hold the volume of the entire human race.

This is because our mass doesn’t come from the particles that we are made of it comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons that make up our atoms.
According to the department of energy if we removed all the dead space inside of our atoms we would each be able to fit into a particle of lead dust. A sugar cube would be able to hold the volume of the entire human race. This is because our mass doesn’t come from the particles we are made of it comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons that make up our atoms.Â
According to the department of energy if we removed all the dead space inside of our atoms we would each be able to fit into a particle of lead dust. A sugar cube would be able to hold the volume of the entire human race. This is because our mass doesn’t come from the particles we are made of it comes from the kinetic energy of the quarks and the binding energy of the gluons that make up our atoms.Â
This may seem very counterintuitive on an everyday level as we feel like such SOLID creatures who live in such a SOLID world.
However the truth is the reality about our subatomic makeup is why you may have heard the expression ‘that life is an illusion’.
“Not only is the universe stranger than we think,

it is stranger than we can think.“
Werner Heisenberg
1932 Nobel Price “for the creation of quantum mechanics”
Across Frontiers

 Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.“
Werner Heisenberg
1932 Nobel Price “for the creation of quantum mechanics”
Across Frontiers
Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.“
Werner Heisenberg
1932 Nobel Price “for the creation of quantum mechanics”
Across Frontiers
So if our bodies are essentially empty space held together by dynamic moving energy and the general theory of relativity has taught us that the space around us is not empty as it appears to be, then the dynamic atoms that make up each of us are actually in constant interplay with the ‘non-empty’ space around us. Furthermore, according to the Department of Energy..
“Cosmic rays and high energy radiation from outer space, constantly smack into our atmosphere. These particles shower down on the surface of the earth and pass through us at a rate of about ten per second. Some of these cosmic particles can disrupt our genetics, causing subtle mutations and may be a contributing factor in evolution. Neutrinos are constant visitors in your body, zipping through at a rate of nearly one hundred trillion every second. Looking at the density of dark matter throughout the universe, scientists calculate that hundreds of thousands of these particles might be passing through you every second, colliding with your atoms about once per minute.”
The quantum reactions that occur at a subatomic level in the human body are just as much a mystery as the consistency of the ocean of dark matter in space that is expanding our universe at an ever increasing rate. Just the cognizance that the most advanced astrophysical knowledge brings us to a cliffhanger crossroads with the leading contemporary theories in quantum physics (aka: String Theory, M-theory, Theory of Everything, Quantum Foam, Dark Energy) I would argue this leaves plenty of theoretical space open for the ‘scientific’ evidence of astrology to surface (unless Dr.Percy Seymour’s theory of cosmic magnetism proves to the be the one!). Â
SCIENCE, PHYSICS AND ASTROLOGY– How REALITY REALLY is, Where Science and the Esoteric Meet: Quantum Mechanics,  The Universe as we know it… , The Quantum Energy Field,  Randomness vs. Order ,  Reasons Why Astrology should be given Serious Consideration,  Astrology Knocks at the Academy of Sciences’ Door,  Astrology’s Avant-Garde Researchers: The Gauquelins
Astrology: An Interview with Dr. Percy Seymour by Bronwyn Elko (
- The Fabric of the cosmos: Quantum Leap with Brian Greene (part 3/4, Documentary 1h 18 mins)
Selbie, Joseph. (2017) The Physics of God: Unifying Quantum Physics, Consciousness, M-Theory, Heaven, Neuroscience and Transcendence (2017) Tantor Audio.