The Moon in the Natal Chart of Marie Curie

The Moon in the Natal Chart of Marie Curie

The Moon

The moon represents ‘the body’ that gives the soul life and the daily life with regards to the soul’s purpose. The moon will try to bring about the affairs of the house it rules (7th house of ‘relationship’) through it’s actions in the house it occupies (3rd  house of ‘communication’). The manner in which the moon will act is shown by the zodiacal sign of the moon (pisces) and is modified by the position and condition of the ruler of that zodiacal sign (Jupiter)  as well as the other planets that the moon aspects. 

The Moon’s house placement (3rd house) signifies the area of life in which the life purpose is brought into the daily life as well as where the person attempts to establish emotional intimacy, connection and comfort. It also represents the emotional self, conditioned responses, the subconscious, and the mother. Marie Curie’s moon is placed in the 3rd house of ‘Communication.’ (This house is  inclusive of community, education, siblings, short travels and living abroad) . In Marie Curie’s chart the moon also rules the 7th house of marriage and partnership which will link this area with the daily actualization of the life purpose. 

The zodiacal sign the Moon occupies (Pisces) describes the manner in which the life purpose is actualized.  The moon’s sign placement  symbolizes the qualities that nurture the person’s capacity to realize it’s goals, as well as the conditions that make the person feel emotionally supported, comfortable and safe.  Having the Moon in the sensitive and compassionate water sign of Pisces ( in its highest manifestation)  is indicative of someone who feels empathy towards all of humanity. 

If the Moon is conjunct or trine another planetary body it will contribute it’s own nature to the actualization of the life purpose into the daily activities.  Any planets or asteroids that square or oppose the moon produce a state of dynamic tension because their ‘own agendas’ are at cross purpose with the moon’s attempt to realize the life purpose in daily life.

Marie Curie’s Moon is conjunct the South Node on one side and the planetoid chiron on the other.

The South Node of the Moon is associated with the PAST (family ties/beliefs/past lives/inherited traits /upbringing and bias.) Gifts may be associated with the South Node but little growth is expected from this area which is thought to have been ‘already done‘ in past lives. In Vedic Astrology the  planets and houses associated with the South Node or Ketu are thought to bring loss and thus spiritual growth or moksha.

Chiron is symbolic of where we are deeply wounded in our lives or past lives. Through trying to heal ourselves, we work hard to overcome these wounds and healing powers become great. Chiron is known as the ‘wounded healer’.

South Node conjunct Moon conjunct Chiron in Pisces in the third house indicates someone who has a natural ease and comfort level with caring for others in the community, neighbors & siblings. Also a natural and easy way in learning and communicating, perhaps coming from a background in education. Having both the South Node and Chiron conjunct the Moon (both which can indicate loss) puts a large emphasis on the possibility of pain & loss associated with the mother (Moon)  and siblings or community (third house) .

Marie Curie’s Sun (stellium) in the 11th house in  (Scorpio) is in a grand TRINE with Uranus in Cancer in the 7th house and the Moon in Pisces conjunct the South Node in the 3rd house. 

The trine denotes the easy, and fast flowing ‘gift-like’  association between the elements of the chart it connects. 

The 7th house is the house of marriage and partnership. 

The 3rd house  is the house of Communication (incl: community, neighbors, education & siblings. This is the house where the moon rejoices)

The Grand Trine in the water elements in Marie Curie’s chart precisely describes the emotional imprint on humanity the legacy of her life left.  Water energy is driven by emotion, concern and compassion

Marie Curie’s story moves us because of  the hardships she endured yet her grit and determination to stay steadfast on her path. 

Smithsonian Institution, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Pierre Curie and Marie Sklodowska Curie jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903

The story of Pierre Curie’s  dedication and caring  towards his wife and his willingness to stand up for her  touches us not only because it was the right thing to do but because it is a story of LOVE and DEVOTION(Uranus in cancer in the 7th house To have his wife’s name rightfully included on the Nobel Prize , especially after she had already suffered so much discrimination typical to women and foreigners of the age, surely secured Pierre Curie’s place amongst the angels. (7th house marriage  cancer caring trine flowing into 11th house benefit from career)

Marie Sklowdowska Curie in her Paris laboratory in 1912

 The tragedy  Marie Curie faced when losing her dedicated husband is heart wrenching (Moon conjunct South Node conjunct Chiron indicating loss trine flowing into 7th house marriage). However she found the strength to carry on  and to break down barrier after barrier for women; winning a second Nobel Prize and  becoming the first female professor at the University of Paris (Scorpiostrength, intensity and grit trine flowing from lossMoon conjunct South Node conjunct Chiron). As if that was not enough, Marie Curie gives of her very soul to her country during the war; with her time, her expertise, & her resources- receiving very little acknowledgement for her efforts and her sacrifice (Moon in Pisces in third housecompassion trine flowing to Sun Stellium in Scorpiointensity, toughness, skills and resourcefulness trine flowing into  Uranus in Cancer ingenuity & caring. Hers is a life that touches one at the core and makes you want to be a better person.  One can only gain a deep respect and admiration for a life lived with extraordinary purpose when learning of Marie Curie. Grand Trine in Water.


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Corinna is the owner of Celestial Chimes Astrology in Seattle WA. She holds a Professional Diploma in Astrology from Kepler College (Shoreline WA) as well as a B.Sc. & a B.Ed. from the University of Victoria, Canada.

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