The Zodiacal Sign of TAURUS
 To find Serenity and Keep it.
 The Earth Spirit/The Musician/The Silent One
Taurean Traits
An aversion to drama. A suspicion of complexity.
Nature loving, Affinity for silence, Appreciation for music, Values fitness, Physically sensual.
Shadow Side: Stubbornness may result in a failure to take leaps of faith and grow. Staggnation.
Keywords for Planetary placement in Taurus

Traditional Planetary Ruler: Venus
Modern Planetary Ruler:Venus
To find Serenity and Keep it.
 The Earth Spirit/The Musician/The Silent One
Taurean Traits
An aversion to drama. A suspicion of complexity.
Nature loving, Affinity for silence, Appreciation for music, Values fitness, Physically sensual.
Shadow Side: Stubbornness may result in a failure to take leaps of faith and grow. Staggnation.
Keywords for Planetary placement in Taurus
Traditional Planetary Ruler: Venus
Modern Planetary Ruler:Venus
To find Serenity and Keep it.

 The Earth Spirit/The Musician/The Silent One
Taurean Traits
An aversion to drama. A suspicion of complexity.
Nature loving, Affinity for silence, Appreciation for music, Values fitness, Physically sensual.
Shadow Side: Stubbornness may result in a failure to take leaps of faith and grow. Staggnation.
Traditional Planetary Ruler: Venus
Modern Planetary Ruler:Venus
Keywords for Planetary placement in Taurus
Sun:  Determination, Persistence, Leadership / Stubbornness, Inflexibility, Arrogance
Moon:Â Â Emotional, Intuitive, Nurturing /Moody, Over-Sensitive, Indecisive
Mercury:Â Communicative, Adaptable, Intellectual/Overthinking, Nervous, Indecisive
Venus: Sensual, Appreciative of Beauty, Harmonious /Materialistic, Indulgent, Possessive
Mars:Â Energetic, Courageous, Driven/ Impulsive, Aggressive, Impatient,Â
Jupiter: Expansive, Optimistic, Generous /Extravagant, Overindulgent, Overconfident
Saturn: Disciplined, Responsible, Steadfast /Pessimistic, Rigid, Fearful of Change
Uranus: Innovative, Unconventional, Independent /Rebellious, Erratic, Impulsive
Neptune: Imaginative, Spiritual, Empathetic /Illusionary, Escapist, Confused
Pluto: Transformative, Resilient, Empowering/Obsessive, Destructive, SecretiveÂ