Solar Arc Directed Chart Depicts Intense Mourning by Exact Degree

Prince William with his Mother Princess Diana

Most people over the age of thirty-five today in the Western World remember the tragedy of Princess Diana’s fatal car crash in Paris in 1997. The terrible memory of that fateful day casts long and unending shadows for Prince William (Diana’s son) which have forever altered the landscape of his life. 

Reflecting on the devastating time that they found out about their mother’s death, William said:

“There is nothing like it in the world. There really isn’t. It’s like an earthquake has just run through the house and through your life and everything. Your mind is completely split.” 

Vivid and especially tragic events can usually be seen by Astrological techniques in more than one way.  However, one of the most obvious and symbolic ways is often in the Solar Arc Directed Chart. 

Inner Wheel: Prince William's Natal Chart / Outer Wheel Prince William's Natal Chart Solar Arc Directed to 09/01/1997

The Meaning of Natal Saturn in Prince William's Chart

In the Natal Chart  Saturn, known as the ‘greater malefic,’ represents an area of life that will bring, struggles, reponsibilities and hard work. (Everybody has Saturn present somewhere in their chart.) Prince William’s Natal Saturn (Natal Chart above see INSIDE WHEEL) is in the sign of Libra in the 11th house of Friends. Thus for him this area of increased struggle and responsibility encompasses groups, social activism, friends, alliances and the benefit that he receives from his career  (role within the Royal Family). With his Natal Saturn exalted in the sign of Libra  William is gifted with  discipline, perserverence and common sense.  Although exalted planets tend to do well in his life he may be challenged by of inflexibility, isolation and reticence, both his own and that of others.

The Significance of Solar Arc Directed Saturn shift in Prince William's Chart the day after Mother's Death

Solar Arc Directed planets reflect important moments and shifts in a person’s life.  Prince William’s Solar Arc Directed chart shown above (see OUTSIDE wheel) is set for September 1, 1997, the day after he lost his mother in a tragic car crash. On this day, you can see that Saturn moved by solar arc from his 11th house into his 12th house  and is now at 00 degrees Scorpio 00 minutes. 

Sorrow, grief and depression are hallmark traits of Saturn . The solar arc movement of Saturn from the lighter energy of Libra in the 11th house of Friends to the vivid raw energy of Scorpio in the harshly confusing 12th house depicts the intense shock of the tragedy on young William’s mind.

Solar Arc Directed Saturn Aspect Shows Stress Compounded by Media

Further examination of the configuration that Saturn solar arcs to in the 12th house sculpts dimension into the picture.  With Natal Saturn ruling the South Node of the Moon (associated with family ties and our upbringing) this area of life is linked to the intense pain illustrated by Saturn’s shift. In addition, the effect is shown to be amplified through the conjunction with Natal Jupiter (expansion) conjunct the Midheaven or MC (how the public sees us) in Scorpio, accurately portraying the violating detrimental effect when such a personal tragedy becomes so public in nature.

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Corinna is the owner of Celestial Chimes Astrology in Seattle WA. She holds a Professional Diploma in Astrology from Kepler College (Shoreline WA) as well as a B.Sc. & a B.Ed. from the University of Victoria, Canada.

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