The North Node of the Moon in the Natal Chart of Marie Curie

The nodes of the moon are not physical bodies but are actually the points at which the moon’s orbit around the Earth intersect with the sun’s ‘apparent’ path around the earth or the ‘ecliptic’.
The North Node or the ‘Ascending Node’ is thought to represent an unfamiliar area of life in which the individual has little experience (past life or otherwise). Although this area may be difficult or challenging in Western Astrology it is thought to have a ‘Jupiter’-like quality in that it represents a good opportunity for the individual to grow and experience increased life satisfaction. It should be noted that in Vedic Astrology the North Node is called Rahu and is thought of as the ‘dragon’s head’; hungrily eating what’s in it’s path. Rahu is not considered solely beneficial in Vedic Astrology as it is thought to bring dangers of excess in what it represents.
Marie Curie has the North Node in Virgo in the 9th house of higher education. If we think of the South Node as the past and thus an ‘entry point ‘ into this life we may visualize the flow of the life moving from the south node towards the north node (depending on the aspects in the chart). This indicates a movement in this life for Marie Curie from empathy/imagination & gentleness (PISCES) in the area of communication and community (THIRD HOUSE) towards tireless and meticulous development of competent (VIRGO) results in the area of higher education (NINTH HOUSE)
With regards to Rahu and excess, Marie Curie’s cause of death was aplastic anemia most likely caused by her use of radiography during World War 1- a direct result of her studies and her work.
 *(In the field of Evolutionary Astrology Jeffrey Wolf Green refers to the nodes as the ‘vehicle’ through which we travel this life from South to North. Pluto is considered as the entry point into this life and the polar point to Pluto or the point directly opposite of Pluto as the place to where we are moving or the exit point.)