Jupiter in the Natal Chart of Marie Curie

Jupiter  represents our need for faith, trust and confidence in life and ourselves. Its house placement indicates an area where we naturally want to expand and the sign it is in exhibits an energy we understand and believe in. The condition of Jupiter’s dispositor (Jupiter’s ruler) shows how easy it will be for the native to utilize their Jupiterian energy and have this faith in life. The native will use the resources indicated by Jupiter’s sign and house placement to try to bring about that which is indicated by the houses Jupiter rules: those in the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces.Â
Marie Curie’s Jupiter is at 28 degrees Aquarius 00′ in the 2nd house. The second house is called the house of VALUES and it pertains to our actual values such as money and possessions as well as how we value ourselves; our self-worth and our self-esteem. Aquarius is about the need to innovate, be original and create social change. The enemy of the Aquarian vibe is ‘the tribal instinct’, peer pressure, conformity and the ‘desire to fit in’. A motto for Aquarius is, “I will be sane, even if that means everyone else thinks I am crazy!” Although Aquarius is a sign about individualistic freedom and extremism the end goal of Aquarius as a universal sign is to improve society/humanity. In Marie Curie’s chart Jupiter rules the 12th house of what is hidden in Sagittarius as well as the 3rd house of communication in Pisces.
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, therefore because Jupiter is in the sign of Aquarius, Saturn is Jupiter’s ruler or ‘dispositor’. Saturn is square to Jupiter in the natal chart. The square angle is an active adversarial aspect and the friction it produces will cause situations that must be acknowledged. Squares are generally unpleasant to deal with and represent life challenges or patterns of life challenges. Jupiter’s status as the greater benefic planet places it in one of the most desirable category of planets to have a square aspect with. In fact most often a square with Jupiter can be considered benefic. Marie Curie’s chart is a ‘day’ chart because the Sun is above the line of the horizon. In a day chart, Jupiter is the most benefic planet and Saturn is the lesser malefic of the two malefics (Saturn and Mars). Saturn in this case is also conjunct Venus, the other benefic planet. We could expect this square between Jupiter and it’s ruler to produce positive results both in the 11th house (benefits from career/contributions to society) and in the 2nd house (self-esteem, personal values as well as possessions and values.)Â
Marie Curie had a need for faith in individualistic freedom and innovation. (Jupiter in Aquarius) She was broadminded in seeing the needs of society (Jupiter in Aquarius) Marie Curie used her resources, both her personal time and effort as well as her money and values to try to help her community (Jupiter benefic in the second house personal values rules third house community in Pisces compassion for all that suffers). She contributed to the higher knowledge of humanity (Jupiter Benefic in the 2nd house personal values rules Mercury information/knowledge in Sagittarius higher knowledge/philosophy in the 12th house the collective).Â
Marie Curie’s Sun Stellium in Scorpio in the 11th house is square to her Jupiter in Aquarius in the 2nd house. (see above)
 The square aspect involves planets in incompatible elements and therefore requires effort to overcome and integrate divergent energies.
*Squares involving the benefic planets (Jupiter and Venus) can be less troublesome and can even have benefic results.Â
Marie Curie’s Sun Stellium in the 11th house in Scorpio is a powerhouse of fixed intensity and shows where the majority of Marie Curie’s energy was focussed. The 11th house named ‘friends’ represents how we help each other in ‘society’ and trade resources/expertise. The 2nd house is the house of values, including monetary, material and also personal values including our self-confidence and self-esteem. The square aspect has already been analyzed to some extent above because Saturn which is placed within the sun stellium is the ruler of Jupiter in the 2nd house and is also therefore square to Jupiter in the second (see above). In general the square aspect is not the most desirable because of the friction and tension it creates. It tends to create situations we have to deal with or overcome. However as mentioned above, if you do have a square if you can have it with the most benefic planet of the chart that is the best setup you can get. Having Jupiter in the house of values square this large active sun stellium in the 11th would increase ‘production’ and results in both houses – the 2nd house of money, increased self-esteem, increased self confidence. And the 11th house – work with groups, benefit from career, fame/public status (because the MC is located here) nobel prizes…