Saturn in the Natal Chart of Marie Curie

Saturn, known as the ‘greater malefic’, brings responsibilities and hard work in whichever house it occupies, it can also bring hardship,delays and tragedies . Saturn can indicate a part of life that we fear. Having Saturn in Scorpio, the most intense penetrating water sign indicates a fear of acknowledging deep feelings in life which can lead to feeling ‘frozen.  Within Marie Curie’s 11th house stellium,  Saturn has the MC (standing in society) on one side and Venus (relationships) on the other. Saturn conjunct the MC aligns both with the harsh judgement Marie Curie was subject to pretty much her whole life by the public as well as the phenomenal high standard of research she became known for. Venus conjunct Saturn brought loss and tragedy in her relationships but also as mentioned above, brought security, expertise and accomplishment. Saturn in Marie Curie’s Chart rules her 1st house & Ascendant as well as her 2nd house of values, linking these areas with her life purpose as it relates to the sun.