The Great Pyramid (10,000 BC or Earlier)
“Whoever built the Great Pyramid of Egypt knew how to measure the orbit of the earth around the sun, knew that the earth was not flat, knew that the sun did not orbit the earth and knew how to site the construction of a building to true North with more accuracy than is possible than today.” (

The height of the pyramid from it’s Apex to the bottom measured in inches and multiplied by 10⁹ equals about 92 000 000 miles – this is also the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun.

In 1865 Piazzi Smythe measured the circumference of the Great Pyramid in inches. It is 36524.2 inches.
The time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun is 365.24 days.

Each edge of the great pyramid faces exactly North, exactly South, exactly West or exactly East. The ancient true entrance of the pyramid (the one that leads into the descending passage) is sited exactly to true north: thus it can measure events like the placement of the North Star (presently in Polaris).
Therefore, although we credit the Greek astrologer Hipparchus with discovering precession, the concept was ALREADY BUILT INTO THE MATHEMATICAL CONSTANTS OF THE GREAT PYRAMID.

Which way the Shafts point in the Great Pyramid
It was thousands of years before anyone was able to get into the great pyramid: although many tried (thinking it may contain great treasure of pharaohs passed). Finally in 820 AD when local Caliph, Mamun penetrated one of the tunnels they found no wealth, no gold, no jewels and no mummies. What they did find were two passages or chambers that have been called the ‘King’s Chamber’ and the ‘Queen’s chamber’. They found the air in those chambers remains fresh, and a constant temperature of 68° Fahrenheit despite the conditions outside the pyramid.
It remains the same today as it was 1200 years ago.

The “King’s Chamber” features a long rectangular stone box made of red granite called the ‘Sarcophagus’. This red granite stone is filled with high quartz and it is very very hard. The interior is highly polished and is over six feet long, enough for most bodies to lay down on. Over the centuries many people have commented on the beautiful tone that comes out of this box when the side of it is tapped: recently this tone has been measured to be exactly 440 cps (Hertz Scale). A440 (pitch standard) is the musical pitch corresponding to an audio frequency of 440 HZ which serves as a tuning standard for the musical note of A& above middle C or A4 in scientific notation. A44o is now commonly used as a reference frequency to calibrate acoustic music equipment & to tune pianos, violins & other musical instruments.
As this century progresses, there is a growing awareness that ancient cultures had a level of knowledge and awareness that we do not have NOR do we really understand.
Schwaller de Lubicz, R.A. Sacred Science : The King of Pharaonic Theocracy. Inner Traditions International ©1961 Rochester, VT.
WEST, John Anthony. Serpent in the Sky : The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt. First Quest Books ©1993 Wheaton, IL.