Conjunction Aspect
Example of a Conjunction

   0° arc of separation or angular distance between planets. The conjunction is a ptolemaic aspect that
 represents an intermingling of the natures of two or more planets or celestial bodies.Â
Common orb: 10 degrees on either side of exactitude.
Which famous celebrity's chart is the example to the above right?
Who's chart is above?
Oprah Winfrey
The example chart has Venus and the Sun in a tight conjunction in the third house in the sign of Aquarius. It is a tight conjunction because there is only 8 seconds of arc between Venus and the Sun. Venus is so close to the Sun it is considered in the ‘heart of the sun’ or cazimi. Mercury is also conjunct the pair at approximately ten degrees away.
When planets are in conjunction there is a blending of their natures. Here we have the Sun in Aquarius in cazimi with Venus (a benefic) and more widely conjunct Mercury (a significator for communication) in the 3rd house OF Communication. The Sun will have a humanitarian quality and a wider perspective style already (because of Aquarius) which will be greatly embellished with charm and creative expression with Venus in cazimi. Having Mercury, which is naturally the significator of communication is going to make this person a dynamo for innovative thinking, enhanced networking and have amazing skills in pursuasion.