The Ninth (9th) House

The Ninth House


House of Higher Education 


  • Higher Education
  • Philosophy 
  • Religion/Beliefs
  • Belief system
  • The Law
  • Foreign Travel/Long Journeys
  • Divination







The Sun has it’s joy in the ninth house.

The Ninth (9th) House

House of Higher Education

House of Higher Education 


  • Higher Education
  • Philosophy 
  • Religion/Beliefs
  • Belief system
  • The Law
  • Foreign Travel/Long Journeys
  • Divination





The Sun has it’s joy in the ninth house.

"What relates Patterns to a Whole"

“The ninth house is best understood as being opposite the third… the third house symbolizes the part of the mind that deals with routine, day-to-day affairs. Though capable of being conscious, these mental functions usually go on at an unconscious level. … In contrast, the ninth house symbolizes those mental functions that reach out to deal with whatever is not routine or day-to day. … The ninth-house style of perception is not only conscious, it is synthetic rather than analytic. It strives to perceive what relates parts to a whole and what pattern organizes any group of entities. It is not satisfied with simply perceiving a fact; it is equally concerned with meaning. It is very much concerned with what is “out there,” but it is concerned with the relationship of the self to what is “out there” as well.”

Rob Hand Horoscope Symbols p. 293

"Sense of Life's Evolving Meaning & Purpose"

Succesfully Navigated: Ability to break up routines and create new patterns of behavior. Clear, individual sense of life’s evolving meaning and purpose. Capacity to absorb shocking, unexpected perceptions.

Unsuccessfully Navigated: Routinization of experience; boredom. Rigidity of thought; dogmatism. Opportunistic, narrow-minded, or unprincipled behavior; nihilism.

Stephen Forrest  The Inner Sky P.196   


Philosophy and Religion

“The 9th is the area of the chart most directly concerned with philosophy and religion-questions about the ‘whys and wherefores’ of existence. It is here that we seek the Truth, endeavouring to fathom the underlying patterns and basic laws which govern life. In one sense, the suffering incurred in the 8th compels us in this direction because pai is more easily borne if we can envision some purpose for having to endure it. In addition, if suffering is in any way linked with a failure to live in accordance to the laws or truths of existence, then discovering and adhering to these guidelinnes might decrease the amount of pain we need incur.”

Howard Sasportas The Twelve Houses P. 65

'God is Divination'

“The special kind of knowledge that comes from God is divination. The word divination itself comes from the Latin verb divino, which means “to foretell”, while the adjective divinus was used to describe something “divine”, “inspired” or “prophetic”. Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or unknown by supernal means. Thus, all forms of divination were placed in the ninth house along with prophets, oracles , astrologers, augus, haruspices, and dream interpreters. According to Paulus, the co-presence of both Mercury and the Sun in the ninth house was a signature extraordinaire of all forms of divination and participation in the mysteries.”                   

Demetra George  Ancient Astrology Vol II p.758


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Corinna is the owner of Celestial Chimes Astrology in Seattle WA. She holds a Professional Diploma in Astrology from Kepler College (Shoreline WA) as well as a B.Sc. & a B.Ed. from the University of Victoria, Canada.

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