The Third (3rd) House
House of Communication

Day-to -Day Reasoning/Journeys/Communication
“The lower mind, that is, the mind operating on its normal, day-to-day level. Routine interactions with others. Communication. Short journeys and moving about. Brothers, sisters, neighbors and all other relations except parents.
Siblings, Friends, Relatives
“The third is called the place of “Goddess,” and the Moon has her joy here. Rhetorius calls it a “good decline,” since it is configured to the rising sign by a sextile, and declines away from the subterraneous angle. The third place is generally said to signify silblings, friends and relatives. …As a declining place it is also associated with travel, (short distance travel) foreign places, and living abroad.”
Clear, Accurate, Unbiased Perceptions.
Successfully Navigated: Clear, accurate, unbiased perceptions. Willingness to tolerate perceptual ambiguity and uncertainty. Capacity to probe the world for more information either verbally or intellectually.
Unsuccessfully Navigated: The urge to protect a given concept of the world, leading to defensiveness, intellectualism, aand verbal overkill. Scattered, unfocused curiosity, leading to chronic time wasting and disorganization.Â
Sisters, Letters, Messengers, In-land Journeys, and Arms...
Hath signification of Brethren, Sisters, Cozens and Kindred, Neighbors, small Journeys, or inland-Journeys, oft removing from one place to another, Epistles, Letters, Rumors, Messengers; It doth rule the Shoulders, Arms, Hands and Fingers.
…It hath Co-significators, of the Sign Gemini, of the Planet Mars; which is one reason why Mars in this house unless joined with Saturn is not very unfortunate, it is a Cadent house, and is the joy of the Moon; for if she be posited therein, especially in a moveable sign, it’s an argument of much travel, trotting and trudging, or of being seldom quiet.
William Lilly (1647) as quoted by Newberg p.61
Resources:Â Â (#associate links)
Forrest, Steven. (1982). The Inner Sky. 2012. Borrego Springs, CA: Seven Paws Press, Inc.
Hamaker-Zondag, Karen. (1986). The House Connection. 1994. York Beach, Maine: Weiser.
Hand, Robert. (1981). Horoscope Symbols. 1981.PA: Whitford Press.
Newberg, Enid. (2010)Natal Astrology: An Introduction to Astrological Symbolism. 2010. Seattle Washington: Kepler College.Â