House of Career

The Tenth (10th) House

House of Career

The Tenth (10th) House

House of Career




Actions in the World


Standing in Society

External World


10th house




10th house



Actions in the World


Standing in Society

External World













"Self-expressive, personally satisfying status in the community'

Succesfully Navigated:Self-expressive, personally satisfying status in the community. Sense of fulfilling one’s destiny.

Unsuccessfully Navigated: Entrapment in a meaningless, alienating social role, Obsession with power, status and appearances.

Stephen Forrest  The Inner Sky P.199 

"Second best of all the houses, middle age"

“The Tenth House receives the name “Midheaven” because it spans the middle of the heavens where the Sun gains its highes elevation and reaches its peak above the earth. It was considered the second-best of all the houses;of strong dynamic angularity with stable support and fortunately configured to the Ascendant’s life force by the powerful superior square. In the chronological scheme of the houses , it represents middle age, when a person has come into the summit of their power and position in the world.”

Demetra George   Ancient Astrology  Vol II   P.712-713   

"The nature of our contribution to society and our status and place in the world'

“The nature of our contribution to society and our status and place in the world are shown by the sign on the Midheaven, planets in the 10th house, and as the Gauquelin studies suggest any planets on the 9th house side of the MC. The planet ruling the sign on the Midheaven and its placement by sign, house and aspect also sheds light on career and vocation.  However, other areas of the chart also havee considerable bearing on the issue of profession (such as the 6th house, 2nd house, aspects to the Sun, etc.), and the birth map as a whole must be carefully assessed to advise anyone wisely in this respect…. In some cases, the signs and planets in the 10th and on the 9th house side of the Midheaven may literally describe the nature of the individual’s career. For instance, Saturn there could incidate a teacher, judge or scientist; Jupiter an actor, philosopher or travel agent; and the Moon a professional childminder or innkeeper. Franz Schubert the Austrian composer, had musical Pisces on the Midheaven, and Neptune, its ruler in the 5th, the house of creative expression”

Howard Sasportas   The Twelve Houses of the Horoscope   P.69 

Profession, Social Status, Reputation, Mother or Father, People in Power over Us.

One’s career or profession. One’s social status, honor or reputation. One’s father or mother. People in power over one, such as bosses. employers, or government officials.

 It is plain from the above list that the tenth is an external house, a house of the individual being very much out in the world. This is one side of the tenth/ the other is that, like all the houses from seven through twelve, symbolizes those energies that counterbalance the fourth house and draw one away from its concerns… Throughout life, the fourth symbolizes all in the individual that is most inward and farthest from the outer world. This includes the unconscious mind.

The Tenth, on the other hand, syymbolizes the individual going out into the world, those persons who guide the individual in doing so and those aspects of the mind that most deal with the external world.  “

Robert Hand  Horoscope Symbols P.296   

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Corinna is the owner of Celestial Chimes Astrology in Seattle WA. She holds a Professional Diploma in Astrology from Kepler College (Shoreline WA) as well as a B.Sc. & a B.Ed. from the University of Victoria, Canada.

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